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  • 如何利用VB.NET将字符串中的敏感文字替换为相应数量的星号(`*`)



Function ReplaceSensitiveWordsWithStars(input As String, sensitiveWords As String()) As String
    Dim output As String = input
    Dim word As String
    For Each word In sensitiveWords
        Dim startIndex As Integer = 0
        While startIndex < output.Length
            startIndex = output.IndexOf(word, startIndex)
            If startIndex >= 0 Then
                Dim replacement As String = New String('*', word.Length)
                output = output.Remove(startIndex, word.Length).Insert(startIndex, replacement)
                startIndex += replacement.Length ' 更新起始索引以跳过已替换的部分
                Exit While ' 如果没有找到敏感词汇,则退出循环
            End If
        End While
    Return output
End Function
' 使用示例
Dim input As String = "Hello, my name is John Doe and I live in New York."
Dim sensitiveWords As String() = {"John Doe", "New York"}
Dim output As String = ReplaceSensitiveWordsWithStars(input, sensitiveWords)
Console.WriteLine(output) ' 输出: Hello, my name is **** and I live in ****.

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