1、下载虹软人脸识别增值版SDK 4.0
2、安装Unity3D及Visual Studio 2019开发环境
1)安装Unity Hub
访问https://unity.cn/并下载安装Unity Hub
2)安装Unity 2020.3.1f1c1
Unity Hub安装完成后打开,依据下图内容安装Unity 2020.3.1f1c1,注意:勾选Visual Studio可以下载VS开发环境!
Unity Hub-》项目-》新建-》创建即可完成unity工程的创建
注意:在unity工程的下图中红色箭头标注,32位和64位的Arcface SDK需要分别勾选x86和x64,libarcsoft_face.dll和libarcsoft_face_engine.dll两个文件都需要此操作!
在unity工程的player设置中选择Scripting Backend位Mono,Api Compatibility Level*为.NET 4.x
1)摄像头初始化 WebCamTexture.devices
1 public RawImage rawimage; 2 WebCamTexture webCamTexture; 3 4 public Text webCamDisplayText; 5 6 void Start() 7 { 8 WebCamDevice[] cam_devices = WebCamTexture.devices; 9 // for debugging purposes, prints available devices to the console 10 for (int i = 0; i < cam_devices.Length; i++) 11 { 12 print("Webcam available: " + cam_devices[i].name); 13 } 14 15 GoWebCam01(); 16 17 InitEngines(); 18 19 btnStartVideo_Click(new object(), new EventArgs()); 20 } 21 22 //CAMERA 01 SELECT 23 public void GoWebCam01() 24 { 25 WebCamDevice[] cam_devices = WebCamTexture.devices; 26 // for debugging purposes, prints available devices to the console 27 for (int i = 0; i < cam_devices.Length; i++) 28 { 29 print("Webcam available: " + cam_devices[i].name); 30 } 31 32 webCamTexture = new WebCamTexture(cam_devices[0].name, 1280, 720, 30); 33 rawimage.texture = webCamTexture; 34 if (webCamTexture != null) 35 { 36 //webCamTexture.Play(); 37 Debug.Log("Web Cam Connected : " + webCamTexture.deviceName + "\n"); 38 } 39 webCamDisplayText.text = "Camera Type: " + cam_devices[0].name.ToString(); 40 }
2)图片格式转换 Texture2D to Image
1 public static Image Texture2Image(Texture2D texture) 2 { 3 if (texture == null) 4 { 5 return null; 6 } 7 //Save the texture to the stream. 8 byte[] bytes = texture.EncodeToPNG(); 9 10 //Memory stream to store the bitmap data. 11 MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(bytes); 12 13 //Seek the beginning of the stream. 14 ms.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin); 15 16 //Create an image from a stream. 17 Image bmp2 = Bitmap.FromStream(ms); 18 19 //Close the stream, we nolonger need it. 20 ms.Close(); 21 ms = null; 22 23 return bmp2; 24 }
注意:此代码片段中appId sdkKey64 sdkKey32 activeKey64 activeKey32的值需要根据虹软开发者中心的实际数值进行填写
1 private void InitEngines() 2 { 3 try 4 { 5 webCamDisplayText.text += "测试"; 6 7 //读取配置文件 8 //AppSettingsReader reader = new AppSettingsReader(); 9 //rgbCameraIndex = (int)reader.GetValue("RGB_CAMERA_INDEX", typeof(int)); 10 //irCameraIndex = (int)reader.GetValue("IR_CAMERA_INDEX", typeof(int)); 11 //frMatchTime = (int)reader.GetValue("FR_MATCH_TIME", typeof(int)); 12 //liveMatchTime = (int)reader.GetValue("LIVENESS_MATCH_TIME", typeof(int)); 13 14 AppSettingsReader reader = new AppSettingsReader(); 15 rgbCameraIndex = 0; 16 irCameraIndex = 1; 17 frMatchTime = 20; 18 liveMatchTime = 20; 19 20 int retCode = 0; 21 bool isOnlineActive = true;//true(在线激活) or false(离线激活) 22 try 23 { 24 if (isOnlineActive) 25 { 26 #region 读取在线激活配置信息 27 //string appId = (string)reader.GetValue("APPID", typeof(string)); 28 //string sdkKey64 = (string)reader.GetValue("SDKKEY64", typeof(string)); 29 //string sdkKey32 = (string)reader.GetValue("SDKKEY32", typeof(string)); 30 //string activeKey64 = (string)reader.GetValue("ACTIVEKEY64", typeof(string)); 31 //string activeKey32 = (string)reader.GetValue("ACTIVEKEY32", typeof(string)); 32 33 string appId = ""; 34 string sdkKey64 = ""; 35 string sdkKey32 = ""; 36 string activeKey64 = ""; 37 string activeKey32 = ""; 38 39 webCamDisplayText.text += "111111"; 40 41 //判断CPU位数 42 var is64CPU = Environment.Is64BitProcess; 43 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(appId) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(is64CPU ? sdkKey64 : sdkKey32) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(is64CPU ? activeKey64 : activeKey32)) 44 { 45 Debug.LogError(string.Format("请在App.config配置文件中先配置APP_ID和SDKKEY{0}、ACTIVEKEY{0}!", is64CPU ? "64" : "32")); 46 //MessageBox.Show(string.Format("请在App.config配置文件中先配置APP_ID和SDKKEY{0}、ACTIVEKEY{0}!", is64CPU ? "64" : "32")); 47 48 //System.Environment.Exit(0); 49 Quit(); 50 } 51 #endregion 52 53 webCamDisplayText.text += "准备激活"; 54 55 //在线激活引擎 如出现错误,1.请先确认从官网下载的sdk库已放到对应的bin中,2.当前选择的CPU为x86或者x64 56 retCode = imageEngine.ASFOnlineActivation(appId, is64CPU ? sdkKey64 : sdkKey32, is64CPU ? activeKey64 : activeKey32); 57 58 webCamDisplayText.text += "激活完成"; 59 } 60 else 61 { 62 #region 读取离线激活配置信息 63 string offlineActiveFilePath = (string)reader.GetValue("OfflineActiveFilePath", typeof(string)); 64 if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(offlineActiveFilePath) || !File.Exists(offlineActiveFilePath)) 65 { 66 string deviceInfo; 67 retCode = imageEngine.ASFGetActiveDeviceInfo(out deviceInfo); 68 if (retCode != 0) 69 { 70 Debug.LogError("获取设备信息失败,错误码:" + retCode); 71 //MessageBox.Show("获取设备信息失败,错误码:" + retCode); 72 } 73 else 74 { 75 File.WriteAllText("ActiveDeviceInfo.txt", deviceInfo); 76 Debug.LogError("获取设备信息成功,已保存到运行根目录ActiveDeviceInfo.txt文件,请在官网执行离线激活操作,将生成的离线授权文件路径在App.config里配置后再重新运行"); 77 //MessageBox.Show("获取设备信息成功,已保存到运行根目录ActiveDeviceInfo.txt文件,请在官网执行离线激活操作,将生成的离线授权文件路径在App.config里配置后再重新运行"); 78 } 79 //System.Environment.Exit(0); 80 Quit(); 81 } 82 #endregion 83 //离线激活 84 retCode = imageEngine.ASFOfflineActivation(offlineActiveFilePath); 85 } 86 if (retCode != 0 && retCode != 90114) 87 { 88 Debug.LogError("激活SDK失败,错误码:" + retCode); 89 //MessageBox.Show("激活SDK失败,错误码:" + retCode); 90 //System.Environment.Exit(0); 91 Quit(); 92 } 93 94 webCamDisplayText.text += retCode.ToString(); 95 } 96 catch (Exception ex) 97 { 98 if (ex.Message.Contains("无法加载 DLL")) 99 { 100 Debug.LogError("请将SDK相关DLL放入bin对应的x86或x64下的文件夹中!"); 101 //MessageBox.Show("请将SDK相关DLL放入bin对应的x86或x64下的文件夹中!"); 102 } 103 else 104 { 105 Debug.LogError("激活SDK失败,请先检查依赖环境及SDK的平台、版本是否正确!"); 106 //MessageBox.Show("激活SDK失败,请先检查依赖环境及SDK的平台、版本是否正确!"); 107 } 108 //System.Environment.Exit(0); 109 Quit(); 110 } 111 112 //初始化引擎 113 DetectionMode detectMode = DetectionMode.ASF_DETECT_MODE_IMAGE; 114 //Video模式下检测脸部的角度优先值 115 ASF_OrientPriority videoDetectFaceOrientPriority = ASF_OrientPriority.ASF_OP_ALL_OUT; 116 //Image模式下检测脸部的角度优先值 117 ASF_OrientPriority imageDetectFaceOrientPriority = ASF_OrientPriority.ASF_OP_ALL_OUT; 118 //最大需要检测的人脸个数 119 int detectFaceMaxNum = 6; 120 //引擎初始化时需要初始化的检测功能组合 121 int combinedMask = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_AGE | FaceEngineMask.ASF_GENDER | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE3DANGLE | FaceEngineMask.ASF_IMAGEQUALITY | FaceEngineMask.ASF_MASKDETECT; 122 //初始化引擎,正常值为0,其他返回值请参考http://ai.arcsoft.com.cn/bbs/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=19&_dsign=dbad527e 123 retCode = imageEngine.ASFInitEngine(detectMode, imageDetectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMask); 124 Console.WriteLine("InitEngine Result:" + retCode); 125 AppendText((retCode == 0) ? "图片引擎初始化成功!" : string.Format("图片引擎初始化失败!错误码为:{0}", retCode)); 126 if (retCode != 0) 127 { 128 //禁用相关功能按钮 129 //ControlsEnable(false, chooseMultiImgBtn, matchBtn, btnClearFaceList, chooseImgBtn); 130 } 131 132 //初始化视频模式下人脸检测引擎 133 DetectionMode detectModeVideo = DetectionMode.ASF_DETECT_MODE_VIDEO; 134 int combinedMaskVideo = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACELANDMARK; 135 retCode = videoEngine.ASFInitEngine(detectModeVideo, videoDetectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMaskVideo); 136 AppendText((retCode == 0) ? "视频引擎初始化成功!" : string.Format("视频引擎初始化失败!错误码为:{0}", retCode)); 137 if (retCode != 0) 138 { 139 //禁用相关功能按钮 140 //ControlsEnable(false, chooseMultiImgBtn, matchBtn, btnClearFaceList, chooseImgBtn); 141 } 142 143 //RGB视频专用FR引擎 144 combinedMask = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_LIVENESS | FaceEngineMask.ASF_MASKDETECT; 145 retCode = videoRGBImageEngine.ASFInitEngine(detectMode, videoDetectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMask); 146 AppendText((retCode == 0) ? "RGB处理引擎初始化成功!" : string.Format("RGB处理引擎初始化失败!错误码为:{0}", retCode)); 147 if (retCode != 0) 148 { 149 //禁用相关功能按钮 150 //ControlsEnable(false, chooseMultiImgBtn, matchBtn, btnClearFaceList, chooseImgBtn); 151 } 152 //设置活体阈值 153 videoRGBImageEngine.ASFSetLivenessParam(thresholdRgb); 154 155 //IR视频专用FR引擎 156 combinedMask = FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACE_DETECT | FaceEngineMask.ASF_FACERECOGNITION | FaceEngineMask.ASF_IR_LIVENESS; 157 retCode = videoIRImageEngine.ASFInitEngine(detectModeVideo, videoDetectFaceOrientPriority, detectFaceMaxNum, combinedMask); 158 AppendText((retCode == 0) ? "IR处理引擎初始化成功!\r\n" : string.Format("IR处理引擎初始化失败!错误码为:{0}\r\n", retCode)); 159 if (retCode != 0) 160 { 161 //禁用相关功能按钮 162 //ControlsEnable(false, chooseMultiImgBtn, matchBtn, btnClearFaceList, chooseImgBtn); 163 } 164 //设置活体阈值 165 videoIRImageEngine.ASFSetLivenessParam(thresholdRgb, thresholdIr); 166 167 initVideo(); 168 } 169 catch (Exception ex) 170 { 171 LogUtil.LogInfo(GetType(), ex); 172 Debug.LogError("程序初始化异常,请在App.config中修改日志配置,根据日志查找原因!"); 173 //MessageBox.Show("程序初始化异常,请在App.config中修改日志配置,根据日志查找原因!"); 174 175 Quit(); 176 //System.Environment.Exit(0); 177 } 178 }