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Elasticsearch 通过Scroll遍历索引,构造pandas dataframe 【Python多进程实现】
首先,python 多线程不能充分利用多核CPU的计算资源(只能共用一个CPU),所以得用多进程。笔者从3.7亿数据的索引,取200多万的数据,从取数据到构造pandas dataframe总共大概用时14秒左右。每个分片用一个进程查询数据,最后拼接出完整的结果。
由于返回的json数据量较大,每次100多万到200多万,如何快速根据json构造pandas 的dataframe是个问题 — 笔者测试过read_json()、json_normalize()、DataFrame(eval(pandas_json))及DataFrame.from_dict(),from_dict()速度最快
- Elasticsearch scroll取数据— python版
def es_scroll(index, min_timestamp, max_timestamp, slice_no): es = Elasticsearch('http://localhost:9200', timeout = 30, max_retries=10, retry_on_timeout=True) page = es.search( index = index, doc_type = "tls_book", scroll = '1m', body={ "slice": { "id": slice_no, "max": SLICES }, "_source": [ "SrcIP" ], "sort": [ "_doc" ], "query": { "range" : { "@timestamp" : { "gte" : min_timestamp, "lte" : max_timestamp, "boost" : 2.0 } } } }, version = False, size = 10000) sid = page['_scroll_id'] scroll_size = page['hits']['total'] # Start scrolling df = pd.DataFrame() appended_data = [] while (scroll_size > 0): frame = pd.DataFrame.from_dict([document['_source'] for document in page["hits"]["hits"]]) appended_data.append(frame) page = es.scroll(scroll_id = sid, scroll = '1m', request_timeout = 30) # Update the scroll ID sid = page['_scroll_id'] # Get the number of results that we returned in the last scroll scroll_size = len(page['hits']['hits']) if len(appended_data) > 0: df = pd.concat(appended_data, ignore_index=True, sort = False) del appended_data gc.collect() es.clear_scroll(body={'scroll_id': sid}) return df
(1)通过 "_source" 关键字,指定要取的字段,可减少不必要的字段,提高查询速度
(2)官方文档指出,通过 "sort": [ "_doc"] —即按照_doc排序,可提高查询效率
(3)根据自己的环境,测试合理的 size ,效率会有数倍的差距。笔者环境(128G, 32核)一次取10000性能最好,网上大多测试,size取2000或者1000似乎较佳
timeout = 30, max_retries=10, retry_on_timeout=True
(6)Sliced scroll
"slice": { "id": slice_no, "max": SLICES },
参考: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/5.1/search-request-scroll.html#sliced-scroll
- python 多进程如何个函数传多个参数
def build_parameters(index, min_timestamp, max_timestamp): parmeters =[] for num in range(0, SLICES): tuple_paremeter = (index, min_timestamp, max_timestamp, num) parmeters.append(tuple_paremeter) return parmeters
- python多进程实例
示例使用进程池,及starmap 传递调用的函数及参数 (with相当于try, excepion, finallly的集合,会自动做资源的释放或关闭等)
with multiprocessing.Pool(processes = SLICES) as pool:
result = pool.starmap(es_scroll, parameters)
然后,拼接返回的dataframe 集合即可构造一个完整的dataframe,如下:
frame = pd.concat(result, ignore_index=True, sort = False)
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