function GetcxqsSelect() { var obj = document.getElementById('cxqs'); obj.options.add(new Option("最新10期", "10")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新20期", "20")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新30期", "30", true, true)); obj.options.add(new Option("最新50期", "50")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新80期", "80")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新100期", "100")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新150期", "150")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新200期", "200")); obj.options.add(new Option("最新300期", "300")); obj.options.add(new Option("2003年", "2003")); obj.options.add(new Option("2004年", "2004")); obj.options.add(new Option("2005年", "2005")); obj.options.add(new Option("2006年", "2006")); obj.options.add(new Option("2007年", "2007")); obj.options.add(new Option("2008年", "2008")); obj.options.add(new Option("2009年", "2009")); obj.options.add(new Option("2010年", "2010")); obj.options.add(new Option("2011年", "2011")); obj.options.add(new Option("2012年", "2012")); obj.options.add(new Option("2013年", "2013")); obj.options.add(new Option("2014年", "2014")); obj.options.add(new Option("2015年", "2015")); obj.options.add(new Option("2016年", "2016")); obj.options.add(new Option("2017年", "2017")); obj.options.add(new Option("2018年", "2018")); obj.options.add(new Option("2019年", "2019")); var myDate = new Date(); var tYear = myDate.getFullYear(); if (tYear > 2019) obj.options.add(new Option("2020年", "2020")); if (tYear > 2020) obj.options.add(new Option("2021年", "2021")); if (tYear > 2021) obj.options.add(new Option("2022年", "2022")); if (tYear > 2022) obj.options.add(new Option("2023年", "2023")); if (tYear > 2023) obj.options.add(new Option("2024年", "2024")); if (tYear > 2024) obj.options.add(new Option("2025年", "2025")); if (tYear > 2025) obj.options.add(new Option("2026年", "2026")); if (tYear > 2026) obj.options.add(new Option("2027年", "2027")); if (tYear > 2027) obj.options.add(new Option("2028年", "2028")); if (tYear > 2028) obj.options.add(new Option("2029年", "2029")); if (tYear > 2029) obj.options.add(new Option("2030年", "2030")); if (tYear > 2030) obj.options.add(new Option("2031年", "2031")); if (tYear > 2031) obj.options.add(new Option("2032年", "2032")); }
<tr> <td height="35" bgcolor="#FFFFFF" valign="top"> <div align="center"> 查询 <select name="cxqs" id="cxqs"> </select> <input type="button" name="zuobiao" value="开始查询" onclick="clientssq()"> </div> </td> </tr>
function Style(obj) {
if (obj.style.backgroundColor == "") {
obj.style.backgroundColor = "#dd0000";
obj.style.color = "#FFFFFF";
} else {
obj.style.backgroundColor = "";
obj.style.color = "#ffffff";
for (var i = 0; i < 5; i++) { html += '<tr title="点击空格可以帮助记录选号" align="center" class="chart_record">' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td width="19"></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">01</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">02</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">03</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">04</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">05</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">06</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">07</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">08</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">09</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">10</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">11</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">12</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">13</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">14</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">15</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">16</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">17</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">18</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">19</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">20</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">21</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">22</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">23</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">24</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">25</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">26</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">27</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">28</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">29</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">30</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">31</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">32</td>' html += '<td onclick="Style(this)">33</td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '</tr>' }
function checkdata(arr, num) { var bool = false; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] - num == 1 || arr[i] - num == -1) { bool = true; break; } } return bool; }
function array_diff(array1, array2) { var o = {};//转成hash可以减少运算量,数据量越大,优势越明显。 for (var i = 0, len = array2.length; i < len; i++) { o[array2[i]] = true; } var result = []; for (i = 0, len = array1.length; i < len; i++) { var v = array1[i]; if (o[v]) continue; result.push(v); } return result; }
var arr = [count1, count2, count3, count4, count5, count6, count7, count8, count9, count10, count11, count12, count13, count14, count15, count16, count17, count18, count19, count20, count21, count22, count23, count24, count25, count26, count27, count28, count29, count30, count31, count32, count33]; var max = Math.max.apply(null, arr); var unitcount = 50.00 / max; html += '<tr align="center" bgcolor="#ffffff">' html += '<td height="60">统计</td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count1 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count1 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码01出现' + count1 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count2 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count2 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码02出现' + count2 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count3 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count3 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码03出现' + count3 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count4 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count4 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码04出现' + count4 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count5 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count5 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码05出现' + count5 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count6 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count6 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码06出现' + count6 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count7 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count7 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码07出现' + count7 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count8 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count8 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码08出现' + count8 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count9 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count9 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码09出现' + count9 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count10 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count10 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码10出现' + count10 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count11 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count11 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码11出现' + count11 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count12 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count12 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码12出现' + count12 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count13 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count13 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码13出现' + count13 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count14 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count14 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码14出现' + count14 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count15 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count15 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码15出现' + count15 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count16 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count16 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码16出现' + count16 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count17 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count17 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码17出现' + count17 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count18 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count18 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码18出现' + count18 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count19 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count19 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码19出现' + count19 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count20 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count20 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码20出现' + count20 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count21 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count21 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码21出现' + count21 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count22 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count22 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码22出现' + count22 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count23 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count23 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码23出现' + count23 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count24 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count24 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码24出现' + count24 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count25 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count25 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码25出现' + count25 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count26 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count26 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码26出现' + count26 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count27 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count27 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码27出现' + count27 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count28 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count28 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码28出现' + count28 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count29 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count29 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码29出现' + count29 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count30 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count30 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码30出现' + count30 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count31 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count31 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码31出现' + count31 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count32 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count32 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码32出现' + count32 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td height="60" align="center" class="statistics" valign="bottom">' + count33 + '<br><img width="8" height=' + count33 * unitcount + ' title="红球号码33出现' + count33 + '次" src="../image/01.gif"></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '<tr height="20" align="center" bgcolor="#e8f3ff">' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td class="red">01</td>' html += '<td class="red">02</td>' html += '<td class="red">03</td>' html += '<td class="red">04</td>' html += '<td class="red">05</td>' html += '<td class="red">06</td>' html += '<td class="red">07</td>' html += '<td class="red">08</td>' html += '<td class="red">09</td>' html += '<td class="red">10</td>' html += '<td class="red">11</td>' html += '<td class="red">12</td>' html += '<td class="red">13</td>' html += '<td class="red">14</td>' html += '<td class="red">15</td>' html += '<td class="red">16</td>' html += '<td class="red">17</td>' html += '<td class="red">18</td>' html += '<td class="red">19</td>' html += '<td class="red">20</td>' html += '<td class="red">21</td>' html += '<td class="red">22</td>' html += '<td class="red">23</td>' html += '<td class="red">24</td>' html += '<td class="red">25</td>' html += '<td class="red">26</td>' html += '<td class="red">27</td>' html += '<td class="red">28</td>' html += '<td class="red">29</td>' html += '<td class="red">30</td>' html += '<td class="red">31</td>' html += '<td class="red">32</td>' html += '<td class="red">33</td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '<td></td>' html += '</tr>' html += '<tr><td class="chart_bottom" colspan="46">说明:点击最后空行上的空格,可以帮助记录选号。</td></tr>' html += '</tbody>' html += '</table>';
var temp1 = []; var temp2 = []; if (parseInt(i) + 2 < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; var arr2 = [data[parseInt(i) + 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R6]; var arr3 = [data[parseInt(i) + 2].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R6]; temp1 = repetition(arr1, arr2); temp2 = repetition(temp1, arr3); } var temp3 = []; var temp4 = []; if (i > 0 && parseInt(i) + 1 < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[parseInt(i) - 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R6]; var arr2 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; var arr3 = [data[parseInt(i) + 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R6]; temp3 = repetition(arr1, arr2); temp4 = repetition(temp3, arr3); } var temp5 = []; var temp6 = []; if (i > 1 && i < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[parseInt(i) - 2].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R6]; var arr2 = [data[parseInt(i) - 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R6]; var arr3 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; temp5 = repetition(arr1, arr2); temp6 = repetition(temp5, arr3); }
function repetition(arr, brr) { //定义一个新的数组,存入重复的数组 var newArr = []; //循环两个数组,外循环循环一圈,内循环一轮,用外循环的一个去和内循环的每一个作比较 //如果相等说明就是重复的,然后再新数组里查找一下,这个数是否存在,如果两个条件都满足,则存入新数组 //循环第一个数组 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //循环第二个数组 for (var j = 0; j < brr.length; j++) { //避免新数组中出现重复的数 if (arr[i] - brr[j] == 0) { newArr.push(arr[i]); } } } //返回新数组 return newArr; } function checkdata(arr, num) { var bool = false; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == num) { bool = true; break; } } return bool; }
var temp1 = []; if (parseInt(i) + 2 < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; var arr2 = [data[parseInt(i) + 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R6]; var arr3 = [data[parseInt(i) + 2].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 2].R6]; temp1 = repetition(arr1, arr2, arr3,1); } var temp2 = []; if (i > 0 && parseInt(i) + 1 < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[parseInt(i) - 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R6]; var arr2 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; var arr3 = [data[parseInt(i) + 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) + 1].R6]; temp2 = repetition(arr1, arr2, arr3,2); } var temp3 = []; if (i > 1 && i < data.length) { var arr1 = [data[parseInt(i) - 2].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 2].R6]; var arr2 = [data[parseInt(i) - 1].R1, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R2, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R3, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R4, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R5, data[parseInt(i) - 1].R6]; var arr3 = [data[i].R1, data[i].R2, data[i].R3, data[i].R4, data[i].R5, data[i].R6]; temp3 = repetition(arr1, arr2, arr3,3); }
function repetition(arr, brr, crr,index) { //定义一个新的数组,存入重复的数组 var newArr = []; //循环两个数组,外循环循环一圈,内循环一轮,用外循环的一个去和内循环的每一个作比较 //如果相等说明就是重复的,然后再新数组里查找一下,这个数是否存在,如果两个条件都满足,则存入新数组 //循环第一个数组 for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { //循环第二个数组 for (var j = 0; j < brr.length; j++) { for (var x = 0; x < crr.length; x++) { //避免新数组中出现重复的数 if ((arr[i] - brr[j] == 1 && brr[j] - crr[x] == 1 && arr[i] - crr[x] == 2) || (arr[i] - brr[j] == -1 && brr[j] - crr[x] == -1 && arr[i] - crr[x] == -2)) { if (index == 1) { newArr.push(arr[i]); } if (index == 2) { newArr.push(brr[j]); } if (index == 3) { newArr.push(crr[x]); } } } } } //返回新数组 return newArr; } function checkdata(arr, num) { var bool = false; for (var i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) { if (arr[i] == num) { bool = true; break; } } return bool; }



string _db = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempPath, "cpdb.dll"); SQLiteHelper helper = new SQLiteHelper(_db); OperResult oper = new OperResult(); if (Convert.ToInt16(cxqs) <= 300)//按期数提取 { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(week))//周二、周四、周日提取 { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} where Week='{2}' order by QiHao desc limit {1}", ssqtableName, Convert.ToInt16(cxqs), week), _db); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))//单期、双期提取 { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} where Type='{2}' order by QiHao desc limit {1}", ssqtableName, Convert.ToInt16(cxqs), type), _db); } else { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} order by QiHao desc limit {1}", ssqtableName, Convert.ToInt16(cxqs)), _db); } } else//按年份提取 { string year = cxqs.Substring(2, 2); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(week))//周二、周四、周日提取 { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} where QiHao like '{1}%' and Week='{2}' order by QiHao desc", ssqtableName, year, week), _db); } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(type))//单期、双期提取 { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} where QiHao like '{1}%' and Type='{2}' order by QiHao desc", ssqtableName, year, type), _db); } else { oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0} where QiHao like '{1}%' order by QiHao desc", ssqtableName, year), _db); } } var iso = new IsoDateTimeConverter(); iso.DateTimeFormat = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"; if (oper.State == 1 && oper.DataSet != null && oper.DataSet.Tables.Count > 0 && oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { DataTable dtCopy = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Copy(); DataView dv = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].DefaultView; dv.Sort = "QiHao asc"; dtCopy = dv.ToTable(); return Json(new { status = true, data = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dtCopy, iso) }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); } else { return Json(new { status = false }, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet); }
string _db = System.IO.Path.Combine(tempPath, "cpdb.dll"); SQLiteHelper helper = new SQLiteHelper(_db); OperResult oper = new OperResult(); oper = helper.GetDataSet(string.Format("select * from {0}", ssqtableName), _db); if (oper.State == 1 && oper.DataSet != null && oper.DataSet.Tables.Count > 0 && oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows.Count > 0) { ViewBag.QiHao = "第" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["QiHao"] + "期"; ViewBag.B = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["B"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["B"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["B"].ToString(); ViewBag.R1 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R1"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R1"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R1"].ToString(); ViewBag.R2 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R2"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R2"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R2"].ToString(); ViewBag.R3 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R3"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R3"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R3"].ToString(); ViewBag.R4 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R4"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R4"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R4"].ToString(); ViewBag.R5 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R5"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R5"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R5"].ToString(); ViewBag.R6 = oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R6"].ToString().Length == 1 ? "0" + oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R6"].ToString() : oper.DataSet.Tables[0].Rows[0]["R6"].ToString(); }