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  • vb教程之把CD文件录成Wav文件

' #VBIDEUtils#************************************************************
' * Programmer Name : Waty Thierry
' * Web Site : www.geocities.com/ResearchTriangle/6311/
' * E-Mail : waty.thierry@usa.net
' * Date : 29/10/98
' * Time : 14:31
' * Module Name : Browse_Folder
' * Module Filename : Browse_Folder.bas
' **********************************************************************
' * Comments : Recording a CD to a Wave file
' * This Function uses the multimedia control interface (MCI) To control the CD drive.
' **********************************************************************

Public Sub RecordWave(TrackNum As Integer, Filename As String)
' Tracknum: track to record
' Filename: file to save wave as
On Local Error Resume Next
Dim i As Long, RS As String, cb As Long, t#
RS = Space$(128)
i = mciSendString("stop cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("close cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)
Kill Filename
RS = Space$(128)
i = mciSendString("status cdaudio position track " & TrackNum, RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("open cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("set cdaudio time format milliseconds", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("play cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("open new type waveaudio alias capture", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("record capture", RS, 128, cb)

t# = Timer + 1: Do Until Timer > t#: DoEvents: Loop

i = mciSendString("save capture " & Filename, RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("stop cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)
i = mciSendString("close cdaudio", RS, 128, cb)

End Sub

'The method Is quite easy:
'1) Stop everything In the CD drive
'2) Start playing track
'3) Record a New wave With the information from the CD (note: it also records MIDI And microphone sounds: In fact anything coming out of the speakers)
'4) Save the wave file
'5) Stop the CD again
