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C#教程之Pdf File Writer 中文应用(PDF文件编写器C#(4)
3.4 画与背景样式的框架
// Draw frame around example area private void DrawFrameAndBackgroundWaterMark() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // Draw frame around the page // Set line width to 0.02" Contents.SetLineWidth(0.02); // set frame color dark blue Contents.SetColorStroking(Color.DarkBlue); // use water mark tiling pattern to fill the frame Contents.SetPatternNonStroking(WaterMark); // rectangle position: x=1.0", y=1.0", width=6.5", height=9.0" Contents.DrawRectangle(1.0, 1.0, 6.5, 9.0, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke); // restore graphics sate Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); // draw article name under the frame // Note: the \u00a4 is character 164 that was substituted during Font resource definition // this character is a solid circle it is normally unicode 9679 or \u25cf in the Arial family Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, 9.0, 1.1, 0.85, "PdfFileWriter \u25cf PDF File Writer C# Class Library \u25cf Author: Uzi Granot"); // draw web link to the article Contents.DrawWebLink(Page, ArialNormal, 9.0, 7.4, 0.85, TextJustify.Right, DrawStyle.Underline, Color.Blue, "Click to view article", "http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/570682/PDF-File-Writer-Csharp-Class-Library-Version"); return; }
3.5 画两条标题
// Draw heading private void DrawTwoLinesOfHeading() { // page heading // Arguments: Font: ArialBold, size: 36 points, Position: X = 4.25", Y = 9.5" // Text Justify: Center (text center will be at X position) // Stoking color: R=128, G=0, B=255 (text outline) // Nonstroking color: R=255, G=0, B=128 (text body) Contents.DrawText(Comic, 40.0, 4.25, 9.25, TextJustify.Center, 0.02, Color.FromArgb(128, 0, 255), Color.FromArgb(255, 0, 128), "PDF FILE WRITER"); // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // change nonstroking (fill) color to purple Contents.SetColorNonStroking(Color.Purple); // Draw second line of heading text // arguments: Handwriting font, Font size 30 point, Position X=4.25", Y=9.0" // Text Justify: Center (text center will be at X position) Contents.DrawText(Comic, 30.0, 4.25, 8.75, TextJustify.Center, "Example"); // restore graphics sate (non stroking color will be restored to default) Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.6 画愉快的面孔
// Draw Happy Face private void DrawHappyFace() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // translate coordinate origin to the center of the happy face Contents.Translate(4.25, 7.5); // change nonstroking (fill) color to yellow Contents.SetColorNonStroking(Color.Yellow); // draw happy face yellow oval Contents.DrawOval(-1.5, -1.0, 3.0, 2.0, PaintOp.Fill); // set line width to 0.2" this is the black circle around the eye Contents.SetLineWidth(0.2); // eye color is white with black outline circle Contents.SetColorNonStroking(Color.White); Contents.SetColorStroking(Color.Black); // draw eyes Contents.DrawOval(-0.75, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke); Contents.DrawOval(0.25, 0.0, 0.5, 0.5, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke); // mouth color is black Contents.SetColorNonStroking(Color.Black); // draw mouth by creating a path made of one line and one Bezier curve Contents.MoveTo(-0.6, -0.4); Contents.LineTo(0.6, -0.4); Contents.DrawBezier(0.0, -0.8, 0, -0.8, -0.6, -0.4); // fill the path with black color Contents.SetPaintOp(PaintOp.Fill); // restore graphics sate Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.7 绘制条形码
// Draw Barcode private void DrawBarcode() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); BarcodeEAN13 Barcode1 = new BarcodeEAN13("1234567890128"); Contents.DrawBarcode(1.3, 7.05, 0.012, 0.75, Barcode1, ArialNormal, 8.0); PdfQRCode QRCode = new PdfQRCode(Document, "http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/570682/PDF-File-Writer-Csharp-Class-Library-Version", ErrorCorrection.M); Contents.DrawQRCode(QRCode, 6.0, 6.8, 1.2); // define a web link area coinciding with the qr code Page.AddWebLink(6.0, 6.8, 7.2, 8.0, "http://www.codeproject.com/Articles/570682/PDF-File-Writer-Csharp-Class-Library-Version"); // restore graphics sate Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.8 绘制与圆角的矩形和填充砖模式
// Draw rectangle with rounded corners and filled with brick pattern private void DrawBrickPattern() { // Define brick tilling pattern resource // Arguments: PdfDocument class, Scale factor (0.25), Stroking color (lines between bricks), Nonstroking color (brick) // Return value: tilling pattern resource PdfTilingPattern BrickPattern = PdfTilingPattern.SetBrickPattern(Document, 0.25, Color.LightYellow, Color.SandyBrown); // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // set outline width 0.04" Contents.SetLineWidth(0.04); // set outline color to purple Contents.SetColorStroking(Color.Purple); // set fill pattern to brick Contents.SetPatternNonStroking(BrickPattern); // draw rounded rectangle filled with brick pattern Contents.DrawRoundedRectangle(1.1, 5.0, 1.4, 1.5, 0.2, PaintOp.CloseFillStroke); // restore graphics sate Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.9 绘制图像并剪切它
// Draw image and clip it private void DrawImage() { // define local image resources // resolution 96 pixels per inch, image quality 50% PdfImage Image1 = new PdfImage(Document, "TestImage.jpg", 96.0, 50); // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // translate coordinate origin to the center of the picture Contents.Translate(2.6, 5.0); // adjust image size and preserve aspect ratio ImageSizePos NewSize = Image1.ImageSizePosition(1.75, 1.5, ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter); // clipping path Contents.DrawOval(NewSize.DeltaX, NewSize.DeltaY, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height, PaintOp.ClipPathEor); // draw image Contents.DrawImage(Image1, NewSize.DeltaX, NewSize.DeltaY, NewSize.Width, NewSize.Height); // restore graphics state Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.10 绘制心
// Draw heart private void DrawHeart() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // draw heart // The first argument are the coordinates of the centerline of the heart shape. // The DrawHeart is a special case of DrawDoubleBezierPath method. Contents.SetColorNonStroking(Color.HotPink); Contents.DrawHeart(new LineD(new PointD(4.98, 5.1), new PointD(4.98, 6.0)), PaintOp.CloseFillStroke); // restore graphics state Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.11 绘制饼图
/ Draw pie chart private void DrawChart() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // create chart Chart PieChart = PdfChart.CreateChart(Document, 1.8, 1.5, 300.0); // create PdfChart object with Chart object PdfChart PiePdfChart = new PdfChart(Document, PieChart); // make sure we have good quality image PieChart.AntiAliasing = AntiAliasingStyles.All; // set colors PieChart.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 255); PieChart.Palette = ChartColorPalette.BrightPastel; // default font Font DefaultFont = MyPdfChart.CreateFont("Verdana", FontStyle.Regular, 0.05, FontSizeUnit.UserUnit); Font TitleFont = MyPdfChart.CreateFont("Verdana", FontStyle.Bold, 0.07, FontSizeUnit.UserUnit); // title (font size is 0.25 inches) Title Title1 = new Title("Pie Chart Example", Docking.Top, TitleFont, Color.Purple); PieChart.Titles.Add(Title1); // legend Legend Legend1 = new Legend(); PieChart.Legends.Add(Legend1); Legend1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(230, 230, 255); Legend1.Docking = Docking.Bottom; Legend1.Font = DefaultFont; // chart area ChartArea ChartArea1 = new ChartArea(); PieChart.ChartAreas.Add(ChartArea1); // chart area background color ChartArea1.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 255); // series 1 Series Series1 = new Series(); PieChart.Series.Add(Series1); Series1.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Pie; Series1.Font = DefaultFont; Series1.IsValueShownAsLabel = true; Series1.LabelFormat = "{0} %"; // series values Series1.Points.Add(22.0); Series1.Points[0].LegendText = "Apple"; Series1.Points.Add(27.0); Series1.Points[1].LegendText = "Banana"; Series1.Points.Add(33.0); Series1.Points[2].LegendText = "Orange"; Series1.Points.Add(18.0); Series1.Points[3].LegendText = "Grape"; Contents.DrawChart(MyPdfChart, 5.6, 5.0); // restore graphics state Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.12 绘制文本框
// Draw example of a text box private void DrawTextBox() { // save graphics state Contents.SaveGraphicsState(); // translate origin to PosX=1.1" and PosY=1.1" this is the bottom left corner of the text box example Contents.Translate(1.1, 1.1); // Define constants // Box width 3.25" // Box height is 3.65" // Normal font size is 9.0 points. const Double Width = 3.15; const Double Height = 3.65; const Double FontSize = 9.0; // Create text box object width 3.25" // First line indent of 0.25" TextBox Box = new TextBox(Width, 0.25); // add text to the text box Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "This area is an example of displaying text that is too long to fit within a fixed width " + "area. The text is displayed justified to right edge. You define a text box with the required " + "width and first line indent. You add text to this box. The box will divide the text into " + "lines. Each line is made of segments of text. For each segment, you define font, font " + "size, drawing style and color. After loading all the text, the program will draw the formatted text.\n"); Box.AddText(TimesNormal, FontSize + 1.0, "Example of multiple fonts: Times New Roman, "); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, "Comic Sans MS, "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Example of regular, "); Box.AddText(ArialBold, FontSize, "bold, "); Box.AddText(ArialItalic, FontSize, "italic, "); Box.AddText(ArialBoldItalic, FontSize, "bold plus italic. "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize - 2.0, "Arial size 7, "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize - 1.0, "size 8, "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "size 9, "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize + 1.0, "size 10. "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Underline, "Underline, "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Strikeout, "Strikeout. "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Subscript H"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Subscript, "2"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "O. Superscript A"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "+B"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "=C"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, DrawStyle.Superscript, "2"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "\n"); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Red, "Some color, "); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Green, "green, "); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Blue, "blue, "); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, Color.Orange, "orange, "); Box.AddText(Comic, FontSize, DrawStyle.Underline, Color.Purple, "and purple.\n"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "Support for non-Latin letters: "); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, Contents.ReverseString( "עברית")); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "АБВГДЕ"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "αβγδεζ"); Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "\n"); // Draw the text box // Text left edge is at zero (note: origin was translated to 1.1") // The top text base line is at Height less first line ascent. // Text drawing is limited to vertical coordinate of zero. // First line to be drawn is line zero. // After each line add extra 0.015". // After each paragraph add extra 0.05" // Stretch all lines to make smooth right edge at box width of 3.15" // After all lines are drawn, PosY will be set to the next text line after the box's last paragraph Double PosY = Height; Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.015, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.FitToWidth, Box); // Create text box object width 3.25" // No first line indent Box = new TextBox(Width); // Add text as before. // No extra line spacing. // No right edge adjustment Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "In the examples above this area the text box was set for first line indent of " + "0.25 inches. This paragraph has zero first line indent and no right justify."); Contents.DrawText(0.0, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, Box); // Create text box object width 2.75 // First line hanging indent of 0.5" Box = new TextBox(Width - 0.5, -0.5); // Add text Box.AddText(ArialNormal, FontSize, "This paragraph is set to first line hanging indent of 0.5 inches. " + "The left margin of this paragraph is 0.5 inches."); // Draw the text // left edge at 0.5" Contents.DrawText(0.5, ref PosY, 0.0, 0, 0.01, 0.05, TextBoxJustify.Left, Box); // restore graphics state Contents.RestoreGraphicsState(); return; }
3.13 绘制订单表格