// Draw example of order form
private void DrawBookOrderForm()
// Define constants to make the code readable
const Double Left = 4.35;
const Double Top = 4.65;
const Double Bottom = 1.1;
const Double Right = 7.4;
const Double FontSize = 9.0;
const Double MarginHor = 0.04;
const Double MarginVer = 0.04;
const Double Border = 0.015;
const Double Grid = 0.01;
// column widths
Double ColWidthPrice = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "9999.99") + 2.0 * MarginHor;
Double ColWidthQty = ArialNormal.TextWidth(FontSize, "Qty") + 2.0 * MarginHor;
Double ColWidthDesc = Right - Left - Border - 3 * Grid - 2 * ColWidthPrice - ColWidthQty;
// define table
PdfTable Table = new PdfTable(Page, Contents, ArialNormal, FontSize);
Table.TableArea = new PdfRectangle(Left, Bottom, Right, Top);
Table.SetColumnWidth(new Double[] {ColWidthDesc, ColWidthPrice, ColWidthQty, ColWidthPrice});
// define all borders
Table.Borders.SetAllBorders(FrameWidth, GridWidth);
// margin
PdfRectangle Margin = new PdfRectangle(MarginHor, MarginVer);
// default header style
Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Margin = Margin;
Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.BackgroundColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 196, 255);
Table.DefaultHeaderStyle.Alignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleRight;
// private header style for description
Table.Header[0].Style = Table.HeaderStyle;
Table.Header[0].Style.Alignment = ContentAlignment.MiddleLeft;
// table heading
Table.Header[0].Value = "Description";
Table.Header[1].Value = "Price";
Table.Header[2].Value = "Qty";
Table.Header[3].Value = "Total";
// default style
Table.DefaultCellStyle.Margin = Margin;
// description column style
Table.Cell[0].Style = Table.CellStyle;
Table.Cell[0].Style.MultiLineText = true;
// qty column style
Table.Cell[2].Style = Table.CellStyle;
Table.Cell[2].Style.Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
Table.DefaultCellStyle.Format = "#,##0.00";
Table.DefaultCellStyle.Alignment = ContentAlignment.BottomRight;
Contents.DrawText(ArialBold, FontSize, 0.5 * (Left + Right), Top + MarginVer + Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontDescent,
TextJustify.Center, DrawStyle.Normal, Color.Purple, "Example of PdfTable support (new for 1.10.0)");
// reset order total
Double Total = 0;
// loop for all items in the order
// Order class is a atabase simulation for this example
foreach(Order Book in Order.OrderList)
Table.Cell[0].Value = Book.Title + ". By: " + Book.Authors;
Table.Cell[1].Value = Book.Price;
Table.Cell[2].Value = Book.Qty;
Table.Cell[3].Value = Book.Total;
// accumulate total
Total += Book.Total;
// save graphics state
// form line width 0.01"
// draw total before tax
Double[] ColumnPosition = Table.ColumnPosition;
Double TotalDesc = ColumnPosition[3] - MarginHor;
Double TotalValue = ColumnPosition[4] - MarginHor;
Double PosY = Table.RowTopPosition - 2.0 * MarginVer - Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontAscent;
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalDesc, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total before tax");
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalValue, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));
// draw tax (Ontario Canada HST)
PosY -= Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontLineSpacing;
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalDesc, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Tax (13%)");
Double Tax = Math.Round(0.13 * Total, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalValue, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Tax.ToString("#.00"));
// draw total line
PosY -= Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontDescent + 0.5 * MarginVer;
Contents.DrawLine(ColumnPosition[3], PosY, ColumnPosition[4], PosY);
// draw final total
PosY -= Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontAscent + 0.5 * MarginVer;
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalDesc, PosY, TextJustify.Right, "Total payable");
Total += Tax;
Contents.DrawText(ArialNormal, FontSize, TotalValue, PosY, TextJustify.Right, Total.ToString("#.00"));
PosY -= Table.DefaultCellStyle.FontDescent + MarginVer;
Contents.DrawLine(ColumnPosition[0], Table.RowTopPosition, ColumnPosition[0], PosY);
Contents.DrawLine(ColumnPosition[0], PosY, ColumnPosition[4], PosY);
Contents.DrawLine(ColumnPosition[4], Table.RowTopPosition, ColumnPosition[4], PosY);
// restore graphics state