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  • Python3标准库:codecs字符串编码和解码(3)

def to_hex(t, nbytes):
  • """Format text t as a sequence of nbyte long values
  • separated by spaces.
  • """
  • chars_per_item = nbytes * 2
  • hex_version = binascii.hexlify(t)
  • return b' '.join(
  • hex_version[start:start + chars_per_item]
  • for start in range(0, len(hex_version), chars_per_item)
  • )
  • # Pick the nonnative version of UTF-16 encoding
  • if codecs.BOM_UTF16 == codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE:
  • bom = codecs.BOM_UTF16_LE
  • encoding = 'utf_16_le'
  • else:
  • bom = codecs.BOM_UTF16_BE
  • encoding = 'utf_16_be'
  • print('Native order :', to_hex(codecs.BOM_UTF16, 2))
  • print('Selected order:', to_hex(bom, 2))
  • # Encode the text.
  • encoded_text = 'français'.encode(encoding)
  • print('{:14}: {}'.format(encoding, to_hex(encoded_text, 2)))
  • with open('nonnative-encoded.txt', mode='wb') as f:
  • # Write the selected byte-order marker. It is not included
  • # in the encoded text because the byte order was given
  • # explicitly when selecting the encoding.
  • f.write(bom)
  • # Write the byte string for the encoded text.
  • f.write(encoded_text)
  • 首先得出原生字节序,然后显式的使用替代形式,以便下一个例子可以在展示读取时自动检测字节序。


    1. import codecs
    2. import binascii
    4. def to_hex(t, nbytes):
    5. """Format text t as a sequence of nbyte long values
    6. separated by spaces.
    7. """
    8. chars_per_item = nbytes * 2
    9. hex_version = binascii.hexlify(t)
    10. return b' '.join(
    11. hex_version[start:start + chars_per_item]
    12. for start in range(0, len(hex_version), chars_per_item)
    13. )
    15. # Look at the raw data
    16. with open('nonnative-encoded.txt', mode='rb') as f:
    17. raw_bytes = f.read()
    19. print('Raw :', to_hex(raw_bytes, 2))
    21. # Re-open the file and let codecs detect the BOM
    22. with codecs.open('nonnative-encoded.txt',
    23. mode='r',
    24. encoding='utf-16',
    25. ) as f:
    26. decoded_text = f.read()
    28. print('Decoded:', repr(decoded_text))



    1.4 错误处理



    错误模式 描述
    strict 如果无法转换数据,则会引发异常。
    replace 将特殊的标记字符替换为无法编码的数据。
    ignore 跳过数据。
    xmlcharrefreplace XML字符(仅编码)
    backslashreplace 转义序列(仅编码)

    1.4.1 编码错误


    1. import codecs
    3. error_handlings = ['strict','replace','ignore','xmlcharrefreplace','backslashreplace']
    4. text = 'français'
    5. for error_handling in error_handlings:
    6. try:
    7. # Save the data, encoded as ASCII, using the error
    8. # handling mode specified on the command line.
    9. with codecs.open('encode_error.txt', 'w',
    10. encoding='ascii',
    11. errors=error_handling)